Saturday, June 30, 2012

Teeth whitening does not have to be expensive. There are a lot of teeth whitening products out there that cost lesser than regular toothpaste by using common household items like oranges and baking soda. And with the constant rising of the prices com

Teeth whitening does not have to be expensive. There are a lot of teeth whitening products out there that cost lesser than regular toothpaste by using common household items like oranges and baking soda. And with the constant rising of the prices com

Here are some of the most effective teeth whitening tips you can do in the comforts of your own home. Some are regular kitchen items while others are over-the-counter teeth whitening products you can buy at your local pharmacy or online.

1. Baking soda is the most common and the most inexpensive of all home teeth whiteners. Just take a drop of baking soda, add water to make it pasty, then brush it all over your teeth using your toothbrush or your finger. Let it stay for a couple of minutes after brushing, then gargle thoroughly to rinse out. If you accidentally swallow this home-made teeth whitening paste, it is okay as it is just baking soda. The only downside of this teeth whitener is that not a lot of people can tolerate the taste of pure baking soda.

2. If you are not a fan of pure baking soda, then try using lemon and salt as a teeth whitening product. Mix one part of lemon with an equal part of salt, making a paste-like solution. Then rub this all over your "used to be" pearly whites once a day before bedtime.

3. Orange peel is also a home teeth whitener. Use the pulpy, white side of an orange peel to rub over your stained yellow teeth to achieve a polished shine after two weeks. You can do this two to three times a day as an effective teeth whitener, but be careful as it may cause sensitivity to some.

4. A very old method of teeth whitening is by using bay leaves that can be bought in the local market. Crush dried bay leaves then mix it with an equal part of crushed and dried orange peel. You can add water to make a paste or leave it in its dry, powdery form. Just rub this powder or paste on your teeth and use it as a teeth whitener.

5. Gobble on strawberries. You can actually rub strawberries on your teeth to achieve a teeth whitening effect. This was popularized by one talk show, but just as a follow-up, you may want to brush your teeth afterward because of strawberries sugar content.

6. Use apple cider vinegar as mouthwash as teeth whitener. Just swish it around your mouth for a couple of minutes, or you can mix it with a teaspoon of baking soda and a dash of salt to make a teeth whitening paste you can apply on your teeth. This is an effective teeth whitener that combines three teeth whitening agents (vinegar, baking soda and salt) all together to create one potent mix.

7. If home-made teeth whitening remedies do not seem to work for you lackluster and yellowish teeth, your may want to buy-over-the counter teeth whitening products like take-home teeth whitening sprays, teeth whitening gels, or toothpaste whiteners. One example of this take-home teeth whitening product is the 36% Plasma Laser Bluelight Teeth Whitening Kit that some claim to achieve results after the first use. It is relatively cheaper than one visit to the dentist; and you can use this teeth whitener over and over once you have bought the product, so the teeth whitening effects can compound over the weeks you use it.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Piercings and tattoos nowadays are all accepted as part of additional features, that people like to add to their bodies. Although when it comes to our feet, for some of us, painting our toenails is a decorative sign and for others, its a way of cover

Piercings and tattoos nowadays are all accepted as part of additional features, that people like to add to their bodies. Although when it comes to our feet, for some of us, painting our toenails is a decorative sign and for others, its a way of cover

Its So Easy to Get A Mans Attention: We just accept that our feet are part of our daily lives and we tend to take them for granted. But if its just the unsightly things with our feet that we get embarrassed about, why is it that both men and women wear footwear, that are obviously to narrow and can end up leaving us virtually crippled. I guess the main reason is because of the style and fashion that we want to keep up with and the image that we want to convey. Lets face it, we do spend most of our working lives abusing our feet dont we, but most of the time, thats because society is a trend that most of us want to keep up with and if it means stiletto high hill shoes are what gets the mens attention, then so be it.

Stop Right There Dont Even Go There: In actual fact, shouldnt women be showing their feet off instead of covering them up, as the picture of any women in stockings and high heel shoes, always has been and always will be, the sure way to turn any mans head and leave him gasping for air. Yet mention the words corns, or bunions and your sure to get a rapid response from any women, with "stop right there, dont even go there"! However should you really be unlucky to suffer more disastrous consequences like ingrown toenails for example and clipping them correctly fails the test of getting them back on track, your not going to be to impressed, when your advised that removal is the only option. This is why I want you to understand so badly, that wearing the correct size fitting of footwear really is a serious concern.

Paint And Decorate Them Pinkies to Your Hearts Content: Some of the damage that narrow shoes do to wide feet is just superficial like blisters and a bowl of warm water will be the best cure under the sun. Now Im not saying you have to wear undesirable shoes, in fact if you put orthopedic shoes on your shopping list, you can paint and decorate them pinkies to your hearts content. Orthopedic doesnt mean you have to hide away from the limelight, how about famous celebrities like Sarah Jessica Parker, Angelina Jolie, Oprah Winfrey and even Cindy McCain, do they hide behind the camera literally, no of course they dont and do these famous celebrities actually wear this type of footwear, absolutely and so do thousands of other famous actresses and even actors for that matter and before you ask, yes men do wear them as well.

Taryn Rose Was an Orthopedic Surgeon: I assume you have heard of Taryn Rose who started her profession as an Orthopedic Surgeon and is now known world wide for her stylish, fashionable Orthopedic range of footwear, which her company "Taryn Rose Shoes" specializes in and if you look at it from a logical point of view, doesnt it make sense to listen to people that specialize in the subject, that we need help in.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tattoo Pain

Tattoo Pain

First its a good idea to decide what part of your body youd like your tattoo to be placed at. This will greatly determine the level of pain. Getting tattoo over bone, like on your ankle, or over a portion of the body where the skin is tight hurts more. Also pain is how you think about it, gauge the tattoo pain in the context of your life experience. If you're young or havent been through surgeries or accidents much, and haven't experienced much pain in your life, then a tattoo will probably hurt a lot. If you've experienced great physical pain, such as in childbirth, the tattoo pain will pale in comparison, no big deal been there done that.

Being tattooed in an area that has muscle mass like on the arm, back, or calve seems to be the least painful for most people. You shouldnt be overly tired or emotionally exhausted on the day of your tattooing. Dont be too cold or too hot either. Talk to the tattoo artist if youre uncomfortable at all because there might be some adjustments that can be made to increase your level of comfort.

"I've wanted a tattoo for about three years but deciding on what design I wanted was the most difficult decision of all. I wanted my tattoo to be special to me and have great significance every time I looked at it." I looked around the web for hours. I finally decided on a design to be place on my lower back. I wont reveal what it means but as far as I know, no one else has it and as it has great significance for me and I want it to stay that way! I went down with my best friend to a local tattoo shop. She was already booked from the week before and was told there was a waiting list of at least five days. Good indication that they knew what they were doing. If business is that good then the luck of getting a great tattoo was even better I thought. When the day came my friend went first, this gave me much more confidence. On the day of my tattoo my appointment was scheduled later around five. People I worked with had tried to freak me out with tattoo horror stories on how the pain was so unbearable. Anyway it felt more like a burning sensation than needles. It was like having a bad sunburn and applying alcohol to it, or something that would irritate it. Three quarters of the way through was the worst of it, and then the pain subsided a bit. It wasnt bad and I feel like it was, in a way, a right of passage. It looks better than I had hoped for and Im very happy with it. Everyone has a different experience with pain and tattoos. It seems like every person will tell you something different. I have personally tattooed hundreds of people, and can tell you there are no generalizations. Some women and men do horribly, no matter where they get tattooed, while some women and men can sit without the slightest hint of pain. I have not seen any difference between men and women at all in regard to a pain threshold. The worst part of it for me is when I get someone who will not sit still. It can be so difficult to lay a proper tattoo when someone is wiggling around non-stop. Another thing to watch for is the endorphin rush. Abo ut 15 to 20 minutes into getting a tattoo, you will notice it starts to hurt less or it stops hurting completely. This is due to endorphins or your bodies own natural pain killers.

Pain is an interesting side effect when getting a tattoo. For some people the process and the pain is the more important part, and the art is just secondary, almost like something they can brag about doing. Some people want the experience and for others, they want the art but wish they could get it without the pain. Whatever group you fall into, know that tattoos do hurt, sorry to say. It is a few needles repeatedly entering your skin over a period of time, so pain should be expected. Just remember, where you get the tattoo will change greatly how much pain you will feel!

Matt Bennett

Sunday, June 24, 2012

If you're reading this, you don't need me to describe the pain of an ingrown toe nail. You're probably very familiar with it. I had surgery to treat my toenails 20 years ago, and haven't had a problem since, but I still remember that feeling all too

If you're reading this, you don't need me to describe the pain of an ingrown toe nail. You're probably very familiar with it. I had surgery to treat my toenails 20 years ago, and haven't had a problem since, but I still remember that feeling all too

I had surgery done on my ingrown nails when I was 14. It was a simple outpatient procedure at the podiatrist's office. They numbed the nerves of the toe, then did a bunch of things I tried to not think about - namely cutting the sides of the nail off down to the root and putting some sort of acid in there to keep it from growing back. I had both sides of both big toes treated. I read a magazine while they did it.

On one toe, it was a breeze. On the other, the shots they gave me to deaden the nerves just weren't working right. My toe was a little numb, but just a little. They gave me more shots of lidocaine, then asked if I wanted to wait and do it another time, since the anesthetic just wasn't working right. I told them to just go ahead and get it over with. So I felt most of the pain from that one. I won't lie, it hurt. Bad. But, it was bearable, and quick. I think each toe took maybe 10 minutes, tops. I think my experience was pretty close to the worst case scenario. Most of the time, there's no trouble with local anesthesia, and you're not going to feel anything.

The worst side effect of my own surgery is the fact that my big toes just look weird now. The nails are little squares, about 1 cm across. It can be difficult to trim them, but I don't have to trim them as much, and they are NEVER ingrown.

Surgery is a permanent way to treat ingrown nails. There are a variety of different surgeries used now, and I recommend you research them all and take your time finding the best podiatrist you can. But rest assured, it's a simple procedure and they're not going to screw you up too badly, no matter what happens. Overall, I highly recommend surgery as a remedy. Get it over with, and you'll never have to feel that pain again.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Commonly known as nail fungus, onychomycosis is an infection that is common on both toenails and fingernails. Fungal infections on these areas are usually caused by dermatophytes, which are harmful since they grow and nourish on the keratin that buil

Commonly known as nail fungus, onychomycosis is an infection that is common on both toenails and fingernails. Fungal infections on these areas are usually caused by dermatophytes, which are harmful since they grow and nourish on the keratin that buil

Too often, the little toe and the big toe are affected by fungus. There are different types of fungal infections on the nails that may manifest in various ways but may have similar symptoms.

The first symptom that you will notice when you have onychomycosis is a small yellow or white spot on your nail. Oftentimes, this disregarded as fungus on the nail as most people think of it as some kind of normal discoloration and do not even pause to check it. As your nail grows, this spot also grows on your nail.

The best way to tell that you have onychomycosis is to check if there is something yellowish, whitish or brownish that is growing under your nail. This growing substance is not hard to be noticed as it has a foul smell. So, if you something unpleasant after taking out your shoes, it would be a good idea to check your nails especially when you see some discoloration.

Some symptoms of onychomycosis are quite apparent. The nail will get brown or yellow in color. Affected nails often become overgrown and so thick that you may find it painful to wear your shoes. The nail may even crumble or fall off eventually if not treated or noticed at once. Black or thick nails may not be your usual fungus symptoms but could sometimes indicate a paronychia or onychomycosis.

Although not really symptomatic onychomycosis, ingrown toenails should be treated immediately as there are so many inexpensive ingrown toenail remedies. An infected ingrown nail can be so severe and may even require surgery if not given proper care and attention.

You can always consult a doctor on how you can prevent or get rid of onychomycosis as well as ingrown toenail. You may also try natural methods or home nail fungal infection remedies.

Most of the substances or components needed in treating nail fungus naturally can be found at home and you would be surprised that you are using these agents in cooking and disinfecting your house. As possible, kill fungus early as if you let them grow on your nails, it could be more problematic for you to address and treat them.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Being in your twenties is such an exciting time. Youre finally coming into your own -- starting a career, a relationship, and probably making some big financial decisions. In your twenties, if you care about your skin, one of the most important decis

Being in your twenties is such an exciting time. Youre finally coming into your own -- starting a career, a relationship, and probably making some big financial decisions. In your twenties, if you care about your skin, one of the most important decis

Preventative skin care in your twenties doesnt have to be time consuming, nor will it in anyway inhibit your social butterfly status. Just implement a few simple changes to your existing regime and youll win the fight against premature aging.

Anti Aging Advantage

Before you head to the nearest beauty store to source out the latest anti aging, sit down listen to your iPod and read this. Anti aging products will not help you when youre in your twenties. Theyre simply not formulated for your skin type, and youll just be washing money down the drain when you buy them.

Starting a preventative skin care regime in your twenties is a powerful weapon against premature aging. Youre basically up-weighting an already existing advantage -- time. In your twenties you havent yet spent enough time abusing your skin for it to be irrecoverable.

Start With the Basics

Before we launch into the skin care tips and tricks, lets make sure youve got the basics covered. You should already be using a cleanser and a moisturizer at least once per day. If youre not -- put them into your daily routine immediately. They dont have to be expensive, just find one that is right for your skin types (consult beauticians, review sites, and even family and friends).

No #1 Skin Care Defense

Here is the number one tip that anyone can ever give you when it comes to anti aging. It applies at any stage of your life, but the earlier you start the more effective it is. One word -- sunscreen. Whatever you call it suncream, sunblock, its the stuff you put on your face that blocks out those harmful UV rays.

Why is sun protection so important? The UV rays from the sun penetrate the melanin in the skin causing it to mutate. This can then lead to pigmentation, discoloration, wrinkles, and even skin cancer. With the exception of skin care, these things are what classifies premature aging. Incorporate sun protection into your daily morning skin care regime and youve almost won the battle.

Partying Too Hard

Now the last point is probably not what you want to hear. Unfortunately, smoking, drugs, and alcohol speed up the aging process. Smoking can cause fine lines around the mouth and even crows feet. It also sallows the complexion. Drinking has been link to dehydrating the skin causing fine lines and wrinkles. So while were never going to say stop having a good time, just think about your lifestyle choices in moderation!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If you have an ingrown toenail?

If you have an ingrown toenail?

And you really do not exactly need to seek out your health care provider first.

Well there are some advice for self-care for ingrown toenails you could try and see if it alleviates most of the pain and also redness associated with the ingrown toe nail before you'll visit your physician.

But, it's important to remember if you are a diabetic person or when you have peripheral vascular disease or even if you have any other sort of nerve situation which limits the feeling in your feet, then you must not wait and you must see your healthcare to physician first.

If you have all these health concerns you should not attempt self-care for ingrown toenails.

But if you've relatively excellent health and you are feeling up to looking to tackle some of the self-care for ingrown toenails, after that let's get to it. A very good home treatment of any ingrown nail could prevents the need for surgery treatment.

The first things that you could do for your ingrown toenail is to wash your foot twice a day. Be aware of the affected area.

Clean the area softly with soap and water and then dry up thoroughly. During the remainder of the day to make sure that you keep your foot clean and dry.

Self-care for ingrown toenails that often feels the most effective is to soak your foot in warm water at least 4 times a day. There' no requirement to add any kind of antibacterial agents or perhaps any type of soap to the soaking water. Soak your foot for about twenty minutes.

When selecting your footwear for the day it is important to remember to avoid tight fitting footwear. It's also very important to avoid high heel shoes or include those with a narrow toe box. You could also consider wearing open foot sandals specifically if you are experiencing a lot of pain with your ingrown toenail.

Probably the most important aspects of ingrown toenail self-care is to try to lift up the corner of a toenail that is searching its way into the skin.

Take a very small piece of cotton or gauze and roll it in between the fingers to create a wick or tiny roll. Then place the roll between your toenail as well as the skin to maintain it elevated and to keep it from continuing to dig into the delicate skin area.

There is actually no way around it. This is incredibly painful.

But this can be the most significant part of self-care for ingrown toenails. This home treatment can help you to avoid surgery. After every twenty minutes that you spend soaking your toe and after drying your feet completely try to push the roll in a little farther every time.

Home care treatments for ingrown toenails can also include the use of pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

If your pain relievers as well as self-care for ingrown toenails have not helped you to see improvement after 72 hours, then it will be necessary for you to contact your medical doctor to get the medical assistance that you need. You don't want to ignore an ingrown toenail as it could progress into an infection.

Self-care for ingrown Toenail Remedies is easy to do and not that time-consuming.

Low back pain and sciatica can cause great distress to people, at times making them unable to carry on routine day to day activities. Treatment methods can vary depending on what exactly is causing the low back pain or sciatica and how severe the sym

Low back pain and sciatica can cause great distress to people, at times making them unable to carry on routine day to day activities. Treatment methods can vary depending on what exactly is causing the low back pain or sciatica and how severe the sym

The cause for sciatic pain should be identified. Often it could be caused by some irritation nerve points leading up to the sciatic nerve, pelvic instability could cause sciatic pain so could some kind of tightening in the Piriformis muscle. Whatever the cause, sciatic stretches have been recommended and found to be helpful to address the sciatic pain. Obviously, the stretches have to address these three areas the Piriformis muscle, lower back and pelvis as they have to target those muscles that cause pain.

First, let us turn our attention to the lower back muscles and joints. The sciatic nerve starts in this area and it is important that these areas be corrected first. The best way of tackling problems in the lower back areas would be to combine both lower back stretched and lower back exercises with some joint mobility workouts.

Next, we turn to what relief from pelvis instability. Obviously, the pelvis now needs to be balanced which is achieved with the help of exercises that not only relax the tightened muscles that cause pain but also strengthen the supporting muscles.

Finally, these exercises will aid in the realignment of the pelvis. Relief from pain caused by tightening in the Piriformis muscle can be achieved by stretches that include flexing the lower spine as also stretching the muscles at the back near the spine and consequently, stretching the Piriformis muscle.

One simple exercise to stretch the piriformis and get some relief from the pain can be mentioned here. Lie flat on your back on the floor. Now hold your right knee and pull it towards your left shoulder. You have to pull the knee and the foot across your body. Hold still for about 30 seconds. Repeat the same with the left knee. In addition to these exercises, hamstring stretches are also recommended for relief from sciatica pain. This is because any tightness in the hamstring can put more stress on the lower back and generally leads to a worsening of the situation.

Care should however be taken to see that hamstring stretches are done smoothly, that there is no bouncing and muscle spasms are avoided. Further, Yoga stretches are also found to be fairly effective in sciatica pain relief when it is caused by problems with Piriformis muscle. Again, certain yoga stretches do not help sciatica pain relief and in fact can cause more irritation.

It has been found that stretches for sciatica pain relief help a great deal in preventing future pain. However, always keep in mind that sciatica stretches must be done regularly and correctly to be effective.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

We know that it is quite tough to get rid of an ingrown fingernail. Therefore, we will discuss here the factors that cause ingrown fingernails. We can easily steer clear of the existence of an ingrown fingernail, if we are aware of the causes.

We know that it is quite tough to get rid of an ingrown fingernail. Therefore, we will discuss here the factors that cause ingrown fingernails. We can easily steer clear of the existence of an ingrown fingernail, if we are aware of the causes.

Bad fingernail care. Daily use of detergent soap will dry and possibly crack your skin. It is then possible for your nail to dig down inside your skin. Improper trimming and care of nails tend to result in ingrown fingernails, too. Having poor hygiene can also add to this problem. File your nail on its sides, so you can prevent ingrown nails.

Improper clipping of nail. Trimming your nail in a curved shape will urge your nail to grow down into your skin. You should bear in mind that you should trim your nail straight across. Clipping your nail shorter than the flesh can also make the nail embed into your skin and can crack the tissue. If you always cut your nails short, ingrown nails will result.

Unsuitable shoes. Active people always wear shoes. These individuals sometimes wear shoes that are too tight, so when they move they put pressure on their toes. When your toes feel the pressure, the nail will curl and grow downward. Failing to change your socks frequently is another reason for ingrown nails. If you don't do this, bacterial infection occurs. You may also experience seeing pus come out your finger when you press it, or even if you don't press it, because of the bacterial infection.

Trauma to your toe or finger nail. Oftentimes, we experience some trauma like dropping something on our toes or fingernails. Other trauma sometimes happens because of an accident. These things flatten or deform the nail. Due to the unusual contour of your nail, an ingrown nail takes place. You should get rid of that portion of the nail, so that you can prevent a severe problem in the future.

Biting you nail. Pointed corners that dig into your skin are the result of chewing nails. The discomfort that you feel because of an ingrown nail is sometimes unbearable because of these pointed corners. Chewing your nail will give your nail an unusual shape, leading to an ingrown nail. It's best to stop this habit before it is too late for you to prevent the in growing of your nail.

An ingrown fingernail should not be disregarded, because it may lead to a serious fingernail infection. There are lots of natural home remedies that can assist you in curing your ingrown fingernail, so there is no reason to leave your fingernail untreated. Take good care of your toenails and fingernails, and eliminate the chance for ingrown fingernail right away.

Essential oils and herbs offer so many benefits in your skin care regime. Below are common essential oils and herbs commonly found in skin care products:

Essential oils and herbs offer so many benefits in your skin care regime. Below are common essential oils and herbs commonly found in skin care products:

Almond and Almond Oil - A great vegetable oil for dry skin. Commonly used as a carrier oil to blend with other essentials oils. Easily absorbed into the skin and is an excellent emollient with nourishing properties. Safety Precautions: People with nut allergies should avoid almonds and almond oil.

Jojoba .Jojoba oil makes a great scalp cleanser and hair conditioner. Additionally, because of its absorption properties it is commonly used in skin care propducts as a cleaning agent, makeup remover and moisturizer... It has a great effect on fighting wrinkles, as well as having an anti-bacterial effect on the skin. Jojoba oil can be used as base carrier oil into which other essential oils can be diluted before applying it to the skin. Safety Precautions: No reports of toxicity

Aloe Vera - Aloe is used externally for skin irritation, burns, sunburn, wounds, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and dermatitis. Aloe Vera has good astringent qualities. When used with other ingredients it soothes the skin and stimulates cell regeneration. The oil is combined in massage therapy for its healing and rejuvenating properties. Safety Precautions: When used topically, some individuals may have an allergic reaction and a skin patch test (behind the ear or on the forearm) is advised before use.

Anise - Cooled down tea made from anise can be sponged on the face to help lighten the complexion. Safety Precautions: On the whole, anise is a safe herb to use but due to its trans-anethole estrogen-like action, it may be best avoided during pregnancy or when suffering from endometriosis or any estrogen dependant cancers.

Avocado - Moisturizes, reduces appearance of age spots, heals sun damage and scars. Additionally, avocado regenerates and rejuvenates the skin. Avocado increases collagen in the skin and therefore is an anti-aging ingredient in skin care. Avocado oil has superior moisturizing qualities.

Carrot - A superb skin-nourishing essential oil, carrot seed helps balance both oily and dry complexions, heals damaged skin, and helps aged skin by reducing age spots and wrinkles. Safety Precautions: Carrot seeds and carrot seed oil should not be used excessively during pregnancy.

Chamomile - Tones all types of complexions. The anti-inflammatory effect of this essential oil applied topically improves skin regeneration, and a cold compress does wonders for puffy eyes. Chamomile is used in facial steams to reduce puffiness and cleanse the pores of the skin. Safety Precautions: Handling fresh chamomile plants may cause dermatitis in some individuals. It should not to be used when using anti-coagulant drugs. Please note that the essential oil is said to stimulate the uterus and should be used with care in pregnancy. Allergic reactions may occur for those that are allergic to daisies.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ingrown toenails are a pain for everyone who has ever had one. They make your toe hurt all day and it just makes you uncomfortable. If you have this problem and you don't have a clipper handy, then the rest of your day will be much worse than it has

Ingrown toenails are a pain for everyone who has ever had one. They make your toe hurt all day and it just makes you uncomfortable. If you have this problem and you don't have a clipper handy, then the rest of your day will be much worse than it has


Cut your toenails in such a style that its corners don't remain sharp (so that they won't cut into the skin therefore harming it and causing ingrown toenail problems)

Always try your best to keep your feet as clean and dry as possible

Try to wear roomy shoes that won't cramp or hurt your feet and toes

Home Treatment

Keeping your feet in warm water and soaking it may help to heal up the toenails

Keep a small piece of cotton between the toenail and the skin which is getting affected by the nail (also maintain a small distance from the toenail to the skin)

Wash the wound with germ antiseptic such as Dettol to lessen the chances of a swollen wound

If you have faced this problem often, then you may have asked yourself, am I more prone to getting them? There are in fact some types of people who are more prone to ingrown toenails. People with poor foot hygiene, poor posture, very long toes, and naturally short nails are all prone to ingrown toenails.

An ingrown toenail can be a major inconvenience to anyone. It can be extremely bothersome if you need to spend your entire work day with a pain in your toe, and you know you can't do anything about it. The most important thing that you should take away from this article is, don't let things get too bad because you are only making things worse for yourself if you do nothing. Take action and apply some of the home treatment techniques if you suffer from this problem.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Ingrown toenails as anyone unfortunate to suffer from this condition can be extremely painful and debilitating. They are usually caused by ill-fitting shoes, socks or hosiery but other causative factors can include excess weight, poor nail care and f

Ingrown toenails as anyone unfortunate to suffer from this condition can be extremely painful and debilitating. They are usually caused by ill-fitting shoes, socks or hosiery but other causative factors can include excess weight, poor nail care and f

Here are 4 essential tips to help prevent the occurrence of this painful affliction.

1. Clip toenails straight across so that they are just about even with the tip of the toe and file any pointed edges smooth with an emery board. Most ingrown toenail problems are actually self-inflicted e.g. ripping off your toenails with your fingers instead of cutting them as advised above. Improper clipping by cutting the nail too short or by rounding the corners can also problems.

2. Examine your feet daily after washing and drying to hep prevent any potential problems in the bud. A daily routine of foot care will pay dividends for long-term foot health. If problems are identified then apply an antiseptic once a day, preferably after a bath or shower. It is crucial to act promptly because one of the risk factors of ingrown toenails is the possibility of infection

3. Wear comfortable shoes and socks. As a golden rule shoes and/or hosiery should never constrict your feet. Feet do need room to move and breath. Ingrown toenails are most common in children, teenagers and young adults. Young peoples feet grow so fast that sometimes they wear shoes that are too short, tight or worn out which puts pressure and friction on the edges of the toenails. Foot health is not at the forefront of their thoughts at this age either! For this reason, the advice to examine feet daily and take appropriate action promptly is particularly relevant for children and young peoples feet

4. See a physician if you are a diabetic - don't allow a minor foot malady to become a potentially life threatening. Instead make an appointment with a foot specialist immediately. For an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed to clear it up. If your ingrown toenail is a recurrent problem, your doctor may want to perform a matrixectomy (removal of the germinal matrix, the source of nail growth, along with the edge of the nail plate).

Thursday, June 7, 2012

If you want to cure your ingrown toenail problem for good, you should think about methods of prevention rather than simply just considering direct methods to cure your condition. Prevention is better than cure, and it is also relatively simple and st

If you want to cure your ingrown toenail problem for good, you should think about methods of prevention rather than simply just considering direct methods to cure your condition. Prevention is better than cure, and it is also relatively simple and st

First, you should make sure you keep your toenails clean. Keeping your toenails clean is important as it allows you to notice if you are developing any kinds of problems. If you feel you are at risk from developing an ingrown toenail, you should check your nails regularly, ensuring they are growing normally and are not starting to grow into the skin.

Make sure your shoes, socks and tights fit well and are not too tight putting pressure on your toenails. This is important in avoiding getting an ingrown toenail, but also important to cure your ingrown toenail, since you want to avoid pressure being applied to it which would make it worse.

You should always take good care of your nails, making sure you cut and file them well. Don't cut your nails too short and let the corners of the nails be visible just above the skin (rather than cutting them away). Additionally, you should never pull parts of your nails off as this can end in injury. If they become damaged, carefully cut away the piece of the nail that is hanging off.

It is important you know how to cure your ingrown toenail should you get one, but if you've had one before or if you just simply want to be careful to avoid ever getting one, these simple preventative measures will do you a world of good.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The field of podiatry has increased significantly over the years largely in part due to the increase of diabetes. In the United States, the American diet has suffered dramatically with the increase of fast food and lack of physical activity in childr

The field of podiatry has increased significantly over the years largely in part due to the increase of diabetes. In the United States, the American diet has suffered dramatically with the increase of fast food and lack of physical activity in childr

Podiatrists in Rhode Island treat common problems such as corns, calluses, bunions, heel spurs and ingrown toenails. They also treat hyperglycemia associated problems. Injuries to the feet and ankles are another part of their practice. Podiatrists fit custom-made shoes and corrective shoes in their practice.

In the United States, there are two groups of physicians for podiatry. Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) and Orthopedists (MDs or DOs) require training that is similar to what medical doctors or osteopathic doctors receive. After completion of that, they must take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). Podiatrists that continue on to complete the DPM degree begin training with 3 - 4 years of undergraduate education and the completion of a 4 year podiatric college program. Prior to being accepted to the podiatric college, the program requires that the student must complete and pass pre-requisites of biology, organic and inorganic chemistry, and physics. The science courses will be designed for pre-medical students. The first two years of the program is composed of classroom study of anatomy, chemistry, basic sciences, pathology and pharmacology. The last two years include rotations in hospitals, clinics, and private practices. After students receive their degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), the y usually continue through a hospital based residency program where they receive advanced training in their chosen field. They also complete rotations in many of the different medical practices from anesthesiology to emergency medicine and beyond.

There are subspecialties in podiatry that doctors may decide to enter after receiving their degree in DPM. These include reconstructive rear foot and ankle surgery, sports medicine, diabetic limb salvage and wound care, podopaediatrics, and forensic podiatry.

The age of most patients tend to be in their 40s and into the senior years. By this time, patients that have not controlled their diabetes through the years begin to develop the disease process by causing ulcerations, unhealed wounds, and infections that lead to amputation. The feet of older adults can show the first signs of disease factors in the body, such as hyperglycemia and heart disease due to poor circulation. The feet can show the first signs of arthritis too.

Plastic surgery is no big deal these days. The number of people wanting to improve their self image with some form of cosmetic procedure is commonplace. Sites like even allow you to upload a photo and see a simulated photo of how youd l

Plastic surgery is no big deal these days. The number of people wanting to improve their self image with some form of cosmetic procedure is commonplace. Sites like even allow you to upload a photo and see a simulated photo of how youd l

Whats really interesting, though, is how many of these people are choosing to have their surgery or procedure done right here in Mexico.

Mexico is close, treatment comes at a significantly lower cost, and it offers the latest in techniques, and excellent facilities and doctors. World-renowned medical schools are found here, among them the University of Guadalajara and the Institute of Reconstructive Surgery. Many American and other international students come here to study.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing one of the areas leading reconstructive surgeons, Dr. Victor Ledezma, who teaches at both the institutions above, and is also the director of the Florencia Clinic in Guadalajara. Dr. Ledezma has been in medical practice for 33 years, with 27 of those spent doing reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries.

I was really impressed by Dr. Ledezmas donation of time and services to the Operation Ismael Mexico Foundation, a non-profit organization that offers free reconstructive surgeries for children with facial deformities. According to the doctor, "Plastic surgery helps people to have the confidence they need to succeed in life. Beauty is power in our society. I agree that beauty is important but confidence in yourself and self-esteem is far more important."

Dr. Ledezma uses a morphing program similar to, but far more sophisticated, to show you the results before going under the knife so that youll be able to work with the doctor to communicate clearly what look you want. "In the end," he told me, "I want the result to be very natural. I want my patients to hear they look younger, happier and well-rested...not that they obviously had surgery."

Dr Ledezma quoted a few prices to me, just to give an idea of the total cost. These are approximations and are converted into USD. Also, these prices include the hospital fees, anesthesiologist, surgeon, etc. Not included are the required blood tests before surgery or the initial consultation fee.

Facelift: $5,000. USD Tummy Tuck: $4,500 USD Breast Implants: $3,500 USD Liposuction: $4,000 USD Eyelid and Eyebrow Tuck/Lift: $2,500 USD

Since plastic surgery procedures are generally not covered by health insurance, there is little incentive to pay top dollars in the U.S. Plastic surgery clinics in Mexico are offering less expensive options for people who otherwise could never afford to have this work done and in the hands of a recommended and qualified surgeons, the results can be amazing and affordable.

In Ajijic, Casita Montana, a cozy B&B owned by Ann Dyer, caters to people from north of the border who come to Mexico for affordable, elective surgeries who can then recover there at her B&B while being pampered and taken care of by a registered nurse.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a type of plastic surgery Hawaii that is geared towards removing fat, tightening stomach muscles, and strengthening the abdominal walls.

The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a type of plastic surgery Hawaii that is geared towards removing fat, tightening stomach muscles, and strengthening the abdominal walls.

Abdominal skin that has lost elasticity and no longer responds to the efforts of diet or exercise could benefit tremendously from a tummy tuck, which is a very popular form of plastic surgery Hawaii. Eating healthy and exercising are essential when it comes to losing weight and toning muscles, but they cannot tighten loose, flabby skin or improve the part of the abdomen known as the inner girdle.

Plastic Surgery Hawaii and the Inner Girdle

The tummy tuck is a type of plastic surgery Hawaii that will tighten your inner girdle, and therefore, give you a flatter, smoother looking stomach. A tummy tuck can get rid of almost all of the fat in your lower abdominal area, and this plastic surgery Hawaii procedure will help erase your lower abdomens stretch marks. Besides women who have given birth, tummy tucks are favored by men and women alike who have lost a great deal of weight and are left with an excess of loose skin around their mid section.

What is an inner girdle exactly? Everyone has an inner girdle. The inner girdle can be found extending from your ribcage, down the length of your abdomen to your pubic bone, as well as from one side of the abdomen to the other. The inner girdle is situated between the abdominal fat of your body and your rectus muscles. The inner girdle is tough and sturdy, and its primary job is to support the abdomens contents to ensure they do not protrude outward.

Post Partum Patients and Plastic Surgery Hawaii

When a woman becomes pregnant, her inner girdle stretches to accommodate the fact that the uterus is becoming bigger. After the baby has been born, with exercise and diet, the moms muscles will regain some of the tone they once had; however, her inner girdle will not fare as well. After pregnancy, the inner girdle often does not return to the proper shape it was in beforehand, as it is not as resilient or as elastic as the abdominal muscles. This is where plastic surgery Hawaii can help.

After a woman has finished having her children, she may decide to undergo this type of plastic surgery Hawaii because the operation will allow for the tightening of the inner girdle to give it a flatter, smoother, and more attractive appearance. It is important to note that a tummy tuck is all about tightening the inner girdle not tightening the muscles. There is a difference. The abdominal muscles, in fact, are below the inner girdle and are never exposed at any time during the surgical procedure.

The Limits of Plastic Surgery Hawaiis Tummy Tucks

Tummy tucks can indeed do wonders for your physical appearance; however, they are not miracle cures by any means, and they do have their limits. The stretch marks on your lower abdomen will disappear with a tummy tuck procedure, but the same cannot be said for your mid or upper abdomen, although the tummy tuck will move stretch marks in these areas down lower on your abdominal area.

Tummy tucks can be broken down into three different types. There is the mini tummy tuck, the full tummy tuck, and the fleur de lise tummy tuck and each one is suited for a different result. Speak with your plastic surgery Hawaii doctor to see if you are a good candidate for tummy tucks, and which one would be right for your best physical appearance.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Health is wealth, true by all ways and means. Because its uniquely yours body and is your responsibility to take whole and sole care of it, to use it and make the most innovative use of it so that you remain healthy for the rest of your life. Environ

Health is wealth, true by all ways and means. Because its uniquely yours body and is your responsibility to take whole and sole care of it, to use it and make the most innovative use of it so that you remain healthy for the rest of your life. Environ

There are various solutions and technique for body care that works best for different kinds of people like active, lazy or dull. Below mentioned are some tips that are best suited to get positive result.

Alpha Therapy: - This technique helps in increasing concentration level. Alpha Therapy uses sound waves and light to relieve your body from strain and worries.

Mud Wrap: - This treatment works well in healing off the muscular ache. As the name of the treatment implies first warm mud is applied on the body and after that your body is wrapped in a warm blanket. So now, problems relating to cure muscular ache and arthritis can be solved by way of this technique to some extent.

Seamed Wrap: - This treatment is similar to mud wrap technique and it helps in removing joint pains and muscular ache and cellulite. But the only difference is the use of oil instead of warm mud. Oil used in this treatment provides relax to your body so feel much active, eliminate toxins and nourish the skin.

Moisturizing Treatment: - Its a very familiar body care technique. Process goes like this, first of all your body should be cleaned by a well known technique for body care called Body Massage. After that marine sediment is also applied in this treatment to make it more effective.

Steam Bath: - This is another renowned treatment that is used for body care. It helps in refreshing the body by the steam. This treatment applied in steam diffused room with required oils, which helps in cleaning the skin and energizing your body.

Besides all these treatments, there are several other techniques also which can be found on internet, web browsing or any health magazines for your proper body care. Above all, care should be taken that other parts of your body should not be neglected. Healthy exercise done regularly can prove useful to keep external as well as internal parts of your body fit and working.

Exercise should include yoga, stretching your body, build-up of muscles, thighs etc. It keeps your mind free from tension and feels fresh.

After an exhaustive and hectic day, from all these treatments your body and mind gets relaxed and fresh. These treatments are much useful to your valuable body.

Ingrown toenails are nails that have become embedded in the surrounding soft flesh the toe. The big toe is most often affected, but other toes can also suffer. Here is some essential advice on the causes, symptoms and a natural treatment option for p

Ingrown toenails are nails that have become embedded in the surrounding soft flesh the toe. The big toe is most often affected, but other toes can also suffer. Here is some essential advice on the causes, symptoms and a natural treatment option for p


Ingrown toenails can be extremely painful. They are caused by a number of factors: wearing short, tight shoes, socks, or hosiery, poor nail care, injury to the nail bed; fungus and heredity factors. Obese people are particularly susceptible - their feet gain weight just like the rest of the body and the skin can swell up and around the toenail. If you combine this with the excess pressure placed upon the feet, and a bit of well intentioned but poor nail clipping, and you have a ready recipe for pain.

Most ingrown toenails are actually self-inflicted. If you rip off your toenails with your fingers instead of cutting them, you leave jagged edges. These dig into the nail grooves when your tight shoes press against the toenail. Improper clipping by cutting the nail too short and rounding the corners can cause the same problem.


An infection called paronychia can result when a toenail penetrates the flesh. It begins as a minor swelling, with redness and clear fluid oozing from the site. If this is ignored, then it can become infected and subsequently painful and swollen. At this point, walking can become unbearable. If sill left without suitable treatment, pus will exude from the infected site and red streaks can appear along the foot and shoot up the leg. At this point the infection will have become dangerous as it could enter the bloodstream, causing you to become ill, possible leading to the loss of a toe, foot or leg, if gangrene subsequently sets in. Rest assured though- thankfully, this is a rare occurrence.


In order to treat an ingrown toenail at its early stages soak your foot in a tub filled with warm, strong sage and yarrow tea(make this by using cup or 60 milliliters of each dried herb per gallon of boiling water, then steep, strain and cool until comfortable, cup or 120 milliliters of sea salt, and a few drops of tea tree lavender essential oil for 10 - 15 minutes. Dry thoroughly. Now take a sliver of cotton and using a clean toothpick, ever so gently wedge the cotton under the offending toenail. Leave it there until the toenail grows out. It will help direct the nail's growth over the skin. Apply a drop of thyme, lavender or tea tree essential oil on the site daily to keep any infection at bay.