Monday, April 30, 2012

Toenail removal is actually the definitive treatment to get rid of an ingrown toenail. It is a common problem which is the outcome of several etiologies like hyperhidrosis, poorly trimmed nails, and ill- fitting shoes. The common presentation is pain

Toenail removal is actually the definitive treatment to get rid of an ingrown toenail. It is a common problem which is the outcome of several etiologies like hyperhidrosis, poorly trimmed nails, and ill- fitting shoes. The common presentation is pain

The exact causes and conservative treatment options of ingrown toenails are one of the most common presentations in a family medical practice. Medically termed as 'onychocryptosis', it is a condition which usually occurs in the second and third decades of life, however younger individuals can develop this condition if the corners of their toenails are torn.

Common causes of ingrown toenails include: poor nail trimming techniques in which the nails are cut too deep from the corners, trauma, neoplasm beneath the nail, obesity, and severe pressure on the toenail. These changes can result in inflammation and edema in the lateral nail fold.

Practitioners have classified the presentation of ingrown nails in three stages. In the first stage there is redness, puffiness, and pain when pressure is applied to the lateral nail fold. In the second stage comparatively worse signs appear like purulent discharge and thus infection. In the third and final stage granulation tissue appears in this nail and the nail hypertrophies.

The treatment of every stage varies. The first stage can be managed conservatively with a warm antiseptic soak, elevation of the nail corner with cotton wick, and the use of antibiotics. In the second stage, a portion of the nail is removed, but this is not always successful. In only thirty percent of the cases is this condition eradicated by this method. Third stage requires the removal of the lateral nail plate with a lateral matritectomy. In this case of toenail removal, granulation tissue is also removed from the nail.

People looking for ingrown toenail remedies are in almost all circumstances dealing with the discomfort that comes from an ingrown toenail and the pain that can vary depending on the severity of the issue and how early the problem is caught.

People looking for ingrown toenail remedies are in almost all circumstances dealing with the discomfort that comes from an ingrown toenail and the pain that can vary depending on the severity of the issue and how early the problem is caught.

In most instances when searching for ingrown toenail remedies individuals suffering from the potentially debilitating problem are trying to avoid having to go see a podiatrist (foot doctor) because of the cost, time commitment, and in many instances fear or embarrassment of going to see a doctor over a foot issue.

Popular ingrown toenail remedies that have worked with varying degrees of success based on the unique circumstances of each individual include:

Placing a small piece of cotton between the toenail and the part of the toe where the problem is occurring. This means inserting a small piece of cotton,usually taken from a cotton ball, in the upper corner of the nail where the contact is made between the ingrown nail and the inflamed portion of the toe. The cotton serves as a buffer to offer relief from the constant puncturing created as the nail grows into the skin on the toe. Place the affected toe(s) in warm to hot water for about 15 minutes a day for a minimum of twice a week. Practicing this three or four times a week is more optimal and if favorable results are seen stepping this up to a daily habit may be worthwhile. What most people choose to do is to fill a bathtub a few inches with hot water and then simply place the foot with the ingrown toenail problem in the tub. This strategy is not particularly effective as a standalone treatment if the condition has passed a certain level of severity but if used early on or in conjunction with other methods can be quite effective at relieving pain and working ones way to recovery. Find a topical solution specifically made for eliminating this particular pain at a local pharmacy or drug store engineered for solving ingrown toenail pain. Most drug stores have sections of aisles set aside specifically for foot care which can range from warts to ingrown toenail issues. Do not be embarrassed to speak to someone who works in the store about your problem so that they can help you find exactly what you need. CAUTION: The cure for more permanently correcting an ingrown toenail involves cutting out the problem nail area and then going forward clipping toenails in a straight across manner (unlike fingernails which are cut in a curved manner). Before fooling around with the trouble area make sure that whatever tool or instrument you are using (most likely a pair of finger or toenail clippers or the file from the back of the clippers) is properly cleaned and sterilized with soap and very hot water. The last thing that you want to do is to cause more harm than good by introducing an infection into the area.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Copyright (c) 2010 Dr Alireza Khosroabady DPM

Copyright (c) 2010 Dr Alireza Khosroabady DPM

Few of us go through life without experiencing at least one incidence of an ingrown toenail.

If you?ve ever had one, you know you did - the pain, swelling and redness at the top of the toe where nail ?grows into? your skin. The ?hot-to-the-touch? jolt when you touch the top of your nail. Walking can be misery.

An ingrown toenail -- the medical term is onychocryptosis -- is when your skin becomes inflamed around your nail and then begins to cover your nail. The nail?s edge seemingly begins to grow ?in? to your toe?s skin (hence the ?ingrown? term).

What?s more, your nail?s corners can gauge into your skin, cutting into it and leaving your toe open to infection.

Most ingrown nails happen on the foot?s big toe. They can be a problem for diabetics and others with poor circulation. If this is you, see your podiatrist at the first sign of an ingrown nail.

You needn?t suffer from an ingrown nail. Here are some tips to prevent them:

Watch how your shoes fit. Too-small shoes can put pressure on your toes, causing your nails to curve in. Too-large shoes also can cause ingrown toenails because the moving back and forth In addition, when you cut your toenails, be sure to cut them straight across, not curved. Do all you can to never have nail fungus attack your toes because the fungus affects your nail bed and also can distort your nail?s shape. In addition, keep your feet dry; moisture can weaken the skin, making it more inviting for a fungal infection. And a fungal infection can help bring on ingrown toenails.

If you do get an ingrown toenail, soak the foot for 15-20 minutes three times a day in warm water filled with Epsom salts. Tenderness and the red look should fade in two or three days, but continue the soaking regimen until all signs of inflammation are gone. Try to wear loose fitting -- but not too large -- shoes. Open toed shoes are best, if you can manage it.

If the redness or pain continues -- and especially if you see pus -- visit a medical professional/podiatrist quickly. He or she may have you take antibiotics if there is a sign of infection. The podiatrist also may use a special nail cutter to take out the nail wedge that?s growing into your skin.

Don?t let your ingrown nail deteriorate to the point where you will need a nail avulsion, which is a complete or partial removal of your toenail. Your nail will grow back, but it can take several months for it to do so.


Dr. Alireza Khosroabady is a Fellowship trained foot & ankle surgeon. He did his Surgical training in NY and his fellowship at the Rubin institute for Advanced Orthopedics/International Center for Limb Lengthening at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore with world renowned Orthopedic Surgeons. He is practicing in LA, CA . More information @ you can also request his free book by going to

For most people, in-grown toenail surgery may be the suggested option, with home remedies acceptable for reducing the signs and symptoms and discomfort, but rarely helpful like a long-term treatment option. In-grown toenails frequently form because o

For most people, in-grown toenail surgery may be the suggested option, with home remedies acceptable for reducing the signs and symptoms and discomfort, but rarely helpful like a long-term treatment option. In-grown toenails frequently form because o

This problem is scientifically referred to as onychocryptosis. This occurs when a small fraction of our nails immerses deep within the skin and results in infection. This little bit of fraction of nail may cause pressure towards the area in which the nail folds are situated and at these times, it may cause discomfort. It's thought that 1000's of individuals perform surgery on the feet regularly. Trimming calluses using the appropriate tools is a factor, but cutting in to the feet isn't something you are educated to do. Some tips about what foot doctors suggest for that home treatment solution of minor cases of in-grown toenails.

Treating in-grown toenails is often as simple as cutting the leading edge of the nail quietly that affects. Sometimes, this is sufficient to take away the painful nail spicule and can be achieved in your own home through the patient themselves. However, when the condition continues, an easy trip to a podiatric physician will require proper care of the issue in a couple of minutes. It is important that the nails are cut straight over the top and never rounded about the sides. This can lead to in-grown nails. Try cutting nails once they are softened from the shower, bath, or feet soak. Make use of a file to smooth rough edges. You will find some electric products that could get this to task simpler.

Another home cure to deal with in-grown toenails would be to soak the feet in tepid to warm water and salt for approximately half an hour. This process ought to be adopted for around 15 days. Every time after soaking your feet, lightly take away the overgrown skin in the nail by using forceps. You will find work from home remedies for dealing with toenail fungus, and you will rely on all of them with all hopes to eliminate nail fungus infection. However, you must choose the best kind of remedial treatment which suits your problem. Usually, the remedies adopted to cure nail fungus infection can't be universal since one sort of treatment relevant to one individual might not suit another.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

If you have developed ingrown toe nail fungus, you ought to select the right form of treatment method. Although it isn't through at any rate life-threatening or risky, you ought not disregard the infected nail condition. If the nails are becoming inf

If you have developed ingrown toe nail fungus, you ought to select the right form of treatment method. Although it isn't through at any rate life-threatening or risky, you ought not disregard the infected nail condition. If the nails are becoming inf

There are good countless treatments to cure infected toenail. The nail fungus infection is not formed outside on top of the nail. This grows beneath the nail and it has it's transparency by exhibiting the black toe nail or usually a discolored toenail to yellow or maybe brownish. Prevention of ingrown toenail could be up to your hands in case you are decided to avoid main factors behind fungus attack. Prevention of nail fungus is just one element of ingrown toenail treatments. So, what you'll require is to try to keep your toes clean and hygienic by continuing these recommendations to get rid of the nail fungus once it appears:

Do not wear tight shoes compressing your feet with all pains Do not allow the development of nails without any reason in order to avoid fungal disperse Try not to walk at humid or unclean floor even when you are making vacations within four walls Do not ever put on boots and shoes without having socks washed as well as dried well Don't forget to cut your toenails at least one time in a week with out fail

Foot fungus treatment solutions:

Ingrown toenail fungus may be treated along with optional solution to remove toenail fungus. You've home remedies, natural herbs, as well as laser treatment for ingrown toenail fungus. Under the list of home cures, you've the vinegar, olive oils, lavender oil, and tea tree oil just for nail fungus infection. These are available at all nearby stores or herbal farms. Topical use of any of these or in combination will help you remove nail fungus infection with out adverse effects. You have to wait for 3 or 4 months to see change in the infected toenail. If you're not for home cures, you may consider laser treatment to reduce toenail fungus infection fast. Yet the charges are not affordable to all. However, laser treatments is pain-free and also its effectiveness is fantastic for noticeable changes.

You will look for additional information about treating ingrown nail fungus from Toe Fungus Therapies Along with Toenail Fungus Home Cures.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An infected toe can be caused due to several reasons. One of the most prominent of causes for an infected toe is an ingrown toenail. Literally, an ingrown toenail depicts the growth of a toenail inwards into the skin. This usually happens on the big

An infected toe can be caused due to several reasons. One of the most prominent of causes for an infected toe is an ingrown toenail. Literally, an ingrown toenail depicts the growth of a toenail inwards into the skin. This usually happens on the big

Ingrown toenail can be caused if the toenails are cut too short or if you wear tight and closed footwear. These things might cause the nail to grow deeper inside the skin. Even simple things like stubbing or kicking a football might cause breakage of nails inwards that might progress into an infection.

Symptoms of an ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail causes excruciating pain and the pain is actually one of the initial signs of the infection. The infected toe nail might become red and swollen. This is a time when a doctor has to be consulted. A physical examination will confirm the presence of an infection and the necessary treatment can be adopted.

Here are some of the treatment steps that should be taken to deal with an ingrown toenail:

Keep the sore toe in warm water for about 20 minutes to get some relief.

You can also keep a soft ball of cotton under the ingrown toenail to keep the nail lifted. Repeat this by changing the cotton ball till the nail finally grows out and can be cut.

Do not keep any sharp instruments under the ingrown nail to keep it lifted.

Never drain out the pus by puncturing it.

Wearing tight or closed footwear should also be avoided.

If there is no difference in the pain or if it further aggravates, you might have to get a minor surgery done. The doctor will get the entire or a part of the ingrown nail removed under the influence of anaesthesia. If necessary, the root of the nail may also have to be removed to avoid recurrence of the infected toe.

Proper care has to be ensured post surgery to avoid any problems and to make the healing process quick. Therefore, it is essential that you follow the post operation instructions given by the doctor. Here are some instructions that a doctor usually provides:

Soak the toe is warm water for 15 minutes, twice or thrice daily.

Use antibiotic cream over the affected toe and bandage it if you have to wear closed footwear.

These simple steps will help in dealing with an infected toe in the most efficient manner.

Monday, April 23, 2012

In order for an ingrown toenail cure or treatment to be effective, you need to look for the cause. While some cases seem to be genetic, because of abnormally shaped nails or an overgrowth of skin around the toenails, most cases are caused by tight sh

In order for an ingrown toenail cure or treatment to be effective, you need to look for the cause. While some cases seem to be genetic, because of abnormally shaped nails or an overgrowth of skin around the toenails, most cases are caused by tight sh

A few cases are caused by some type of trauma to the nail plate or toe. An injury can cause the nail to grow in an irregular shape, which can lead to in-growth. Disease is a cause in rare cases.

So, if you're like most people, the cause is ill fitting shoes or bad maintenance. There are many over-the-counter treatments that you can use. Some work better than others. But, unless you address the underlying cause, you are not likely to see results. And, if you do see results, you may see the condition return.

To judge the fit of your shoes, check to see how much "wiggle room" you have. If you normally wear shoes that taper off to a point like many styles of women's dress shoes and some types of men's boots, you are increasing your risk of nail problems.

Once you are sure that your shoes fit properly, you can try the most often recommended ingrown toenail cure, which is regular soaking in Epsom salts. The warm water and the salts reduce the swelling and relieve the pain.

The length of your toenails should extend just beyond the tips of your toes. If you are cutting them much shorter than that, then you have an increased risk that they will curl and cut into the skin.

Your toenails should be cut straight across, not curved to match the shape of the front of your toes. If you have your nails done by a pedicurist, be sure to request a straight, rather than a curved cut. If you have difficulty doing your own nails and you prefer not to visit a nail salon, you can visit a podiatrist for your regular trim.

Another recommended ingrown toenail cure is to put fresh bits of cotton under the edge that is growing in. You would do this after your daily soak and dry. Apply a topical antibiotic or antiseptic solution, before you insert the cotton. There are some natural ingredients that work particularly well and also help to relieve the pain.

Tea tree oil has long been recommended as a natural ingrown toenail cure. The oils of the tea tree have anti-microbial activity. They have been used to treat fungal and bacterial infections for thousands of years. Even the birds use the leaves to kill parasites in their feathers.

Even people that normally take great care of their health sometimes neglect their feet and toes. With proper care and maintenance, you can have pain-free feet and toes. They support your body. You need to support them.

There is no "instant" ingrown toenail cure, but there are effective treatments. Just remember to address the causes, too.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Onychocryptosis,' commonly known as ingrown toenail, is the most frequent cause of toenail pain. Here we will describe the condition as seen in adults and adolescents. In the most common form, the big toe is affected. Four main categories of toenail

Onychocryptosis,' commonly known as ingrown toenail, is the most frequent cause of toenail pain. Here we will describe the condition as seen in adults and adolescents. In the most common form, the big toe is affected. Four main categories of toenail

Very first, is subcutaneous ingrown nail, which often appears as a result of improper trimming. A sharp spicule of nail at the edge, grows into the soft tissue of the lateral fold. In another condition, hypertrophy of the lateral nail fold causes long-standing trauma between the nail and lateral fold. This may result in the overgrowth of the soft tissues, forming a lip that overrides it..

Pincer, or involuted nail, is caused from over-curvature of the lateral nail edges towards the nail bed. The excess curvature is seen most commonly in the big toe, where it may lead to chronic pain and inflammation as the subungual tissues are compressed. In pincer nail, the most frequent cause is pressure on the plate from footwear or deformed digits. Although, when many nails are affected, a family history may exist.

The management of acute ingrown toenails is described here in detail. If infection is suspected, a swab should be taken and appropriate antibiotics given. Initial episodes may be treated by skilled conservative resection and retrieval of the offending nail spike, followed by daily hypertonic saline foot-baths until resolution occurs. Patients should also be advised to cut nails straight across, avoiding the corners. Footwear should be assessed and modified appropriately.

However chronic ingrown toenails require detailed management. If conservative treatment fails, or the condition is recurrent, nail surgery should be considered. As much as possible, the nail plate should be preserved. There is seldom need to remove the entire nail. The treatment of choice is partial nail avulsion, removal of the lateral quarter of the nail, including the associated matrix. The procedure of removing ingrown nail includes giving anesthesia with ring block of the toe, then clipping away the lateral part of the nail growing in the skin. Removal of debris, and applying phenol on the matrix, is also done. Finally, a dressing is applied. The nail usually recovers in two to three weeks. When wound healing may be a problem, other excisional techniques should be considered. Cryosurgery of the exuberant lateral fold can be successful in treating ingrown toenail, and alleviating toenail pain.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Because of the major role of our hands play in our lives, we should not let an infected finger occur in our hands. Hands and fingers are very prone to any kinds of infection, because they are used for work and always exposed to bacteria. Proper care

Because of the major role of our hands play in our lives, we should not let an infected finger occur in our hands. Hands and fingers are very prone to any kinds of infection, because they are used for work and always exposed to bacteria. Proper care

We get finger infections because of bacteria that invade our fingernail or nail bed. Bacteria can also enter through an open wound or cut. In the case of young kids, they tend to break their thumb skin by continuously sucking or chewing their thumb. The broken skin gives the bacteria a way to enter their thumb.

People who have history of diabetes or any traumatic problem should take extra care. Diabetics have a greater chance of contracting an infection through a cut or tear. It may also take more time for their infection to heal.

If you have to wear gloves all the time because of your work, make sure that you often remove them to free your hands from perspiration. Perspiration may also cause bacteria build-up. Wash your hands with mild soap and sanitize if needed.

Address your problem immediately, if you have animal bites. Apart from the fact that you could get rabies, other bacteria can also be transferred to you through an animal bite. Seek a doctor's help quickly, and he or she might give you some shots.

There is also home treatment available for finger infections. If you see the initial sign of infection, soak your hands in warm water immediately, and put some garlic paste or some topical cream to kill bacteria that are developing in the infected area. You can buy topical antibiotic cream in any drugstore. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to go to the clinic or hospital to ask for medical treatment. The doctors know what to do with your infection, and what medicine is needed to reduce pain and the spread of infection.

Do not ignore any finger infections, because they may lead to major complications. You may not want to lose your infected finger, so attend to your problem as soon as possible. An infected finger can be treated even if the home remedy is limited, so there is no reason to neglect it.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Learning how to trim a dog's nails can be intimidating for the new pet owner. Unfortunately, it is a task that needs to be done once or twice a month for indoor pets or they will suffer from ingrown toenails or ones that get caught in the carpet and

Learning how to trim a dog's nails can be intimidating for the new pet owner. Unfortunately, it is a task that needs to be done once or twice a month for indoor pets or they will suffer from ingrown toenails or ones that get caught in the carpet and

If you have an outdoor dog or one that likes to go for daily walks, they may wear their toenails down from walking on gravel, sidewalks or pavement. This can help you to keep from learning how to trim a dog's nails, in a few cases. The most important thing to consider is the quick can grow longer when the dog's nails aren't regularly trimmed, so you don't want to wait too long. It isn't difficult to learn how to trim a dog's nails, but it is a matter of getting your pet used to it and a matter of you learning how to trim a dog's nails without cutting them too shortly.

You can buy dog nail clippers on the Internet, at the pet store or your veterinarian can advise you on the best dog clippers to use or might be able to supply you with some. You can also find dog clippers meant for use on smaller dogs or larger dogs. You need to make sure they are easy to use and sharp enough to cut the dog's nail cleanly and quickly. You may want your veterinarian to trim the dog's nails if you are too intimidated because it is something that must be done occasionally and it can help you learn how to trim a dog's nails, in the process.

You start at the tip of the nail and only take off a little bit at a time, so you can check the edge of the nail to stop when you reach the pale pink tissue at the top of the cut edge, known as the quick. You don't want to cut into this area because it contains nerves and blood vessels and it can be difficult to see on dark nails, so be sure to use extra caution. Once you have reached the quick, lightly file the edge of the nail to make them smooth, which keeps them from snagging on things, just like a person's nails will do without this step.

In the event you snip into the quick and it begins to bleed, apply pressure with styptic powder, baby powder or cotton to stop the bleeding. Don't wipe the blood clot off, once it has stopped bleeding because the dog's nail needs this to heal properly and to keep the nail from becoming infected. Be sure that you trim the dewclaw nail, which is the nail that won't wear down naturally, as the other nails might. Make sure to keep the dog relaxed and avoid any sudden movements that might scare the dog.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Ingrown fingernail is a very common occurrence in thousands of people located all over the globe. This problem crops up when the nail grows in a faulty way in the direction of the skin. Even though most people do not give adequate importance to this

Ingrown fingernail is a very common occurrence in thousands of people located all over the globe. This problem crops up when the nail grows in a faulty way in the direction of the skin. Even though most people do not give adequate importance to this

Main Indications of Ingrown Fingernail

The common indications of this condition include redness of the finger and blunted appearance of the edges of the nail. The skin around the infected nail swells out due to the edges growing inward. Accumulation of pus in and around the ingrown fingernail is a sign that lets you know that there is an occurrence of some kind of a nail infection.

Important Causes of Ingrown Fingernail

The most important culprit is erroneous cutting of nails. When nails are not cut correctly or nails are cut extremely short, they grow into the skin tissues that will finally results in an ingrown fingernail. It also occurs when people, mostly to women, shape their nails curved which leads to the digging of the nails into the surrounding nail bed.

This complication can be cured completely, provided if you treat it the right way and before it gets worst. Mentioned below are some of the most commonly recommended ingrown fingernail treatments.


The initial step is to soften the nail in order to trim the ingrown portion of the affected nail. This is done to alleviate the pain the victim may experience while trimming the nail. You just need to dip your nail for around quarter of an hour in a solution of warm water and baking soda which will make the nails soft. Once it softens, cutting the nail becomes quite easy.

Other Remedies

Olive oil is a good remedy to combat this problem. You need to massage the affected fingernail with olive oil that has been heated lightly in order to alleviate the extreme pain that you experience. Another benefit of using olive oil is that it aids to strengthen delicate finger nails and stimulate nail growth in the correct direction. Coconut oil, which has excellent anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, is yet another remedy that can be applied to prevent an ingrown fingernail from getting badly infected.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Herpetic whitlow is a viral finger infection that is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). This infection is often extremely painful and like any other skin infection, highly contagious. Finger herpes or hand herpes gets easily transmitted by dir

Herpetic whitlow is a viral finger infection that is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). This infection is often extremely painful and like any other skin infection, highly contagious. Finger herpes or hand herpes gets easily transmitted by dir

HSV virus is categorized into two types - HSV-1 and HSV-2. Children with symptoms of herpetic whitlow are in all probability infected by HSV-1 virus. This virus and the infection spreads among children who have the habit of thumb-sucking or finger-sucking. This happens when children have oral lesions or oral sores and the virus from oral herpes spreads on to the fingers during thumb-sucking or finger-sucking. HSV-1 is also the cause of infection among health care workers or workers in dental care for a similar reason. These health care workers often have to deal with oral secretions of sick patients to treat them and while doing so, the infection spreads to their hands.

HSV-2 virus usually strikes adults in the age group 20 to 50 by direct contact with HSV infected genitals.

Worst of all, herpetic whitlow is a self-limited infection. This implies that the infection goes away by itself over time. The proposed treatment is to reduce the severity of symptoms and pain rather than treat the infection. Prevention, therefore, is always a better option than cure.

A common problem with herpetic whitlow is the re-occurrence of the infection. Because the infection usually goes away by itself without any direct drug, there is a good chance of a relapse without having any direct contact with the virus. Nearly half the people who are affected by this infection have repeated infections. But the recurrent infection is less painful and less severe and it may also be short-lived.

Doctors can prescribe some medications such as acyclovir, which not only helps relieve symptoms but also helps prevent recurrent infections. The common painkillers such as ibuprofen may work well to relieve the pain and discomfort that is associated with the infection.

It is always advisable to consult a doctor or physician before taking any drug in order to avoid any severe side effects which may make the condition of herpetic whitlow even more intolerable.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hangnails are more common with people with dry skin and with people who have their hands in water for a long period of time. In addition, people who bite their nails consistently are at a higher risk of developing this irritable problem of hangnails.

Hangnails are more common with people with dry skin and with people who have their hands in water for a long period of time. In addition, people who bite their nails consistently are at a higher risk of developing this irritable problem of hangnails.

To remove a hangnail, you simply use nail scissors to cut off the dry tag of skin. Many people recommend soaking the afflicted finger in warm water for about five minutes prior to removal. Cutting a dry hangnail can often result in tearing of the skin, which will lead to more hangnails and more discomfort. Because theres a slight chance of infecting the skin when removing a hangnail, you should dip the scissors in alcohol prior to using them. This will help reduce the chances of getting an infection.

Shortly after washing the dishes or taking a bath, your cuticles will be soft. This is the best time to groom them. Some nail files have a wedge shape on the end for this purpose, or you can use what is known as an orangewood stick.

Gently push the cuticles back (towards the knuckle) by pushing the orangewood stick down at the base of the nail. That's it. If you don't push the cuticles back, the skin stretches as the nail grows, and breaks, creating hangnails.

If you are suffering from hangnails, clip them early in their life cycle. For this, you can utilize sharp sterilized scissors. Remember to soak the fingers in water or a water and oil solution to soften the hangnail. Dont clip a hangnail when its still hard, as it will rip the skin even more.

Never bite your hangnails, as it will lead to fairly deep cuts around your fingers. These cuts can become troublesome by getting infected and swollen.

If your hangnails have become red in color and filled with pus or infection, make sure you see a doctor for treatment.

Use nail scissors to cut the dry skin which can cause hangnails. Cutting of hangnails can lead to tearing of the skin that can also cause more hangnails and infections. So be careful when you cutting them. Be sure scissors is first dipped in anti-septic or alcohol to avoid infection.

Soaking hand in water or oil for 5 minutes can be easy method which is not at all painful. When you will follow this method the hangnail will get soft and will be easily removed.

If you have hangnails on regular basis then doctors advice to soak your nails in an oil or water on daily basis for 15 minutes. Also apply lotion on finger tips and nails on regular basis twice a day.

Clip and cover. "The best thing to do with a hangnail is clip the little piece of skin with a pair of nail scissors--but be sure to wipe the scissors with rubbing alcohol before using them," advises Karen E. Burke, M.D., Ph.D., a dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon in New York City. "Then put on an antibacterial ointment to prevent infection, and cover your finger with a bandage."

Go for soaks. Soaking your nails in a mixture of oil and water on a regular basis is a good way to make sure you don't get future hangnails. Regular water-and-oil soaks replenish lost moisture. "I tell my patients to mix four capfuls of bath oil such as Alpha Keri with one pint of warm water and to soak their fingertips in it for maybe 10 or 15 minutes," says Rodney Basler, M.D., a dermatologist and assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It can often be easier to cure your ingrown toenail if you notice it early on. Apart from the fact it's less painful at this stage; the actual in growing will be less severe. You can cure your ingrown toenail cheaply and easily from home, as long as

It can often be easier to cure your ingrown toenail if you notice it early on. Apart from the fact it's less painful at this stage; the actual in growing will be less severe. You can cure your ingrown toenail cheaply and easily from home, as long as

1. First of all, soak your toe for around ten minutes or so in warm water.

2. Take a clean cotton tip and gently push the skin the nail has grown into, down, so you can expose the nail (you should start as close as possible to the nail root, working up towards the end of the nail).

3. Repeat this procedure every day for a couple of weeks, so you are giving the nail time to grow.

4. When you notice the nail is growing forward, put a small piece of cotton wool underneath it in order to encourage it to grow the right way. Make sure to change this cotton wool daily.

5. Don't cut the nail. You need to allow it to grow. Only cut the nail once it grows out past the end of your toe.

This is a very easy and quick way to cure your ingrown toenail, but unfortunately, it doesn't work so well in the later stages where the nail has become further embedded into the skin. It is however, a very effective method to cure your ingrown toenail when the problem starts to emerge and it is both simple and cheap to do - which is always a bonus!

Remember if your nail gets worse or there are signs of infection then you should see your Doctor as soon as possible.

An ingrown fingernail is a condition in which the nail grows or cuts into the nail bed followed by inflammation and pain. Though this condition is mostly found in the toenail, fingernails can be affected too. Many a times, it can occur due to inflamm

An ingrown fingernail is a condition in which the nail grows or cuts into the nail bed followed by inflammation and pain. Though this condition is mostly found in the toenail, fingernails can be affected too. Many a times, it can occur due to inflamm

In most cases, an ingrown fingernail is associated with improper nail care. However genetic predisposition cannot be ruled out. Improper cutting of the nail and even the habit of nail biting can lead to this painful condition. Biting nails often leaves the edges uneven, and sometimes hurts the sides of the nail bed. Cutting the nail too close to the bed by the sides also can trigger pain and swelling.

Another common reason for ingrown fingernails is cutting the nails in a curved fashion which causes the sides to be directed into the skin. Similarly sharp nail edges are yet another factor. People who love to grow their nails long should be careful to trim evenly and must take care not to curve the nails. A blunt injury to the nail plate is another causative factor.

An ingrown fingernail presents itself with pain, redness and swelling of the finger. The pain can be severe, making the finger sensitive to the slightest touch too. The inflammation can be a single side specific or even on the bilateral sides of the nail. The initial pain and swelling of the nail bed is then followed by abscess or pus formation.

There are easy forms of treatment that can help you relieve the pain and reduce the infection. Of course, if you are a diabetic, always consult your doctor. To treat an ingrown nail, one of the best strategies is to relieve the inflammation. Soaking the finger in warm water for about 30 minutes helps a lot. Mixing the warm water with Epsom salt or baking soda is very useful. If the nail is hurting and digging into the flesh, you can easily clip off the extra length now, since the soaked nail and the skin around is soft after soaking. This will help relieve the pressure.

An anti-septic application can be applied to the affected nail. For an infected nail, an antibiotic drug along with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) helps relieve the pain as well as combating the infection. In case of infection it is best to seek help or treatment from a physician to avoid further complications. In a more severe case of ingrown fingernail, surgery for partial or complete nail removal is recommended.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Curing an ingrown fingernail would be easy if you know how to do it correctly. It may be a bit painful when you are removing it, but that is the only way to free your hands from an ingrown fingernail. Here are some useful tips in curing your ingrown

Curing an ingrown fingernail would be easy if you know how to do it correctly. It may be a bit painful when you are removing it, but that is the only way to free your hands from an ingrown fingernail. Here are some useful tips in curing your ingrown

1. You have to soften your nail first, when removing the ingrown nail. It is easier for you to get rid of the ingrown nail when it is soft. You can do this by soaking your hands or feet in warm water with salt or baking soda. You can also use Epsom salt, if baking soda is not available. Leave your hands or feet in the warm water for 15 - 20 minutes.

2. After you have soaked your hands or feet, towel them dry and take extra care when drying them, so you won't feel the pain. If you have an ingrown nail, it is painful to the touch.

3. It is now time for you to cut the portion of the fingernail that is embedded in your skin. Be prepared to bear the pain, as it is really painful when you are doing it. If you think your fingernail or toenail needs to become softer, soak it in the warm water again for 10 - 15 minutes. If it is soft enough, trim the nail straight across and avoid cutting in a curved shape.

4. If it is difficult for you to cut the portion that is digging into your skin, use a nail file to shorten and reduce size of the ingrown nail that is digging into your skin. Move carefully and softly. By doing this, you can reduce the pain, and you can take out the ingrown fingernail gradually.

5. To reduce pain, you can apply some coconut oil or olive oil. They also help the nail to grow properly. Apply some tea tree oil, too, because it is known for its ability to kill bacteria. Many experts believe that reducing or killing the bacteria will help you heal and cure the affected fingernail in a short period of time.

After you have finished following the above steps, massage your fingernail or toenail for immediate healing. Put small amount of cotton underneath your nail to encourage the nail to grow straight. You can also try dental floss. This is to ensure that the nail will not grow downward again. Keep in mind that you need to trim your nail straight across the next time, so that you won't experience an ingrown fingernail all over again.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

How To Control Anxiety and Panic Attacks

How To Control Anxiety and Panic Attacks

A Panic attack is a sudden occurrence of intense fear that develops for no reason and is associated with severe physical symptoms such as chest pains, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, and a sense of impending doom.

Panic attacks are very common. In a given year, 1 to 2% of the U.S. population has panic attacks. Women are twice as likely to have panic attacks than men.

Panic attacks can strike at almost anytime without warning- when you're driving down the highway, at a store, asleep, or in the middle of an important meeting. Panic attacks can greatly interfere with your life--and may endanger you or others if you are driving. Many people with panic attacks develop intense anxiety between episodes, worrying when and where the next one will occur. Also some people are afraid to leave their home because that is the only place that feel safe.

Panic attacks typically begin suddenly, without warning. The symptoms reach their high point usually within 10 minutes and last about half an hour. But they may last hours or sometimes up to a day. You may feel tired or worn out after an attack.

It is not know what cause panic attacks or panic disorders. Things that may play a role includes, Heredity and Changes in our brain function. Some research suggest that your body's natural fight-or-flight response to danger is involved in panic attacks. For example if you feel threatened in any way, your body would react instinctively. Your heart rate and breathing would increase as your body get ready to defend itself from the danger. But it's not known why an attack happen when there is no danger. This is something that researchers are still trying to figure out.

While panic attacks and panic disorder benefit from professional treatments, such as medications and a type of psychotherapy, you can also help manage your symptoms on your own. Some of the treatments are:

Stay on your medication. Facing your fears might be difficult, but your medication can help you feel like you're in control and not a hostage in your own home.

Join a support group. By joining a support group, you will connect with other people who have anxiety or panic disorders and help each other.

Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and drugs, all can trigger a panic attack.

Get exercise, a walk may be just change you mood.

Get adequate sleep so you won't feel tired and worn out during the day.

Panic attacks can affect your life and there is no sure way to prevent them, but getting treatment for the attacks as soon as possible may help stop them from getting worse or becoming more frequent.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Different Types of Hair Before removing hair, it helps to know about the different types of hair on our bodies. All hair is made of keratin, a hard protein that's also found in your fingernails and toenails. Hair growth begins beneath the surface of

Different Types of Hair Before removing hair, it helps to know about the different types of hair on our bodies. All hair is made of keratin, a hard protein that's also found in your fingernails and toenails. Hair growth begins beneath the surface of

Hair grows on all areas of the human body except for the palms of the hands, the lips, certain areas of the genital structure and the soles of the feet. But hair is most noticeable in most people in a small number of areas that are most commonly waxed, trimmed, plucked, or shaved: namely, the

l Abdomen

l Armpits

l Back

l Chest

l Eyebrows

l Face

l Legs

l Head

l Public Area

In some cases, excess hair growth, may be the result of certain medical conditions. In girls, polycystic ovary syndrome and other hormonal disorders can cause dark, coarse hair to grow on the face, especially the upper lip and chin, as well as on the chest, belly, and back. Some medications, like anabolic steroids, also can cause hairsutism.

Getting Rid of Hair Shaving How It Works: Using a razor removes the tip of the hair shaft that has grown out through the skin. Some razors are completely disposable, some have a disposable blade, and some are electric. Guys often shave their faces, and women often shave their underarms, legs, and bikini areas.

How Long It Lasts: 1 to 3 days

Pros: Shaving is fairly inexpensive, and you can do it yourself. All you need is some warm water, a razor with some shaving gel or cream.

Cons: Razor burn, bumps, nicks, cuts, and ingrown hairs are side effects of shaving. Ingrown hairs can happen with close, frequent shaving. When the hair begins to grow, it grows within the surrounding tissue rather than growing out of the follicle. The hair curls around and starts growing into the skin, irritating it.

Tips: Using shaving cream may also help protect sensitive skin, like the skin around the genitals. If youre nervous about cutting yourself, you can try an electric razor instead.

Although most people shave in the opposite direction from the hair growth, if you want to avoid ingrown hairs it can help to shave in the direction the hair grows.

Plucking How It Works: Using tweezers, a person stretches the skin tightly, grips the hair close to the root, and pulls it out.

How Long It Lasts: 3 to 8 weeks

Pros: Plucking is inexpensive because all you need are tweezers. But it can be time-consuming because you can only remove one hair at a time. Devices called epilators, which cost around$25 to $70, can pull outmultiple hairs at once.

Cons: Plucking is very painful. If the hair breaks off below the skin, a person may get an ingrown hair. After plucking, you may notice temporary red bumps and other skin infection.

Monday, April 2, 2012

While most varicose veins do not have any symptoms, some affected with them usually experience pain. Other symptoms include itching around one or more affected veins. There is also that achy or heavy feeling in the legs, burning and throbbing in the

While most varicose veins do not have any symptoms, some affected with them usually experience pain. Other symptoms include itching around one or more affected veins. There is also that achy or heavy feeling in the legs, burning and throbbing in the

There are several factors that contribute to the development of varicose veins. Women, for example, are more likely to experience varicose veins than men. Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, pre-menstruation, or menopause, are some of the possible causes. Genes could hand down varicose veins too. Aging also contributes to the wear and tear of the veins, causing the valves within those veins to malfunction. Moreover, excessive weight as well as standing and sitting for long periods of time could give one varicose veins too.

Usually, self-help measures are effective in easing the pain in varicose veins and may prevent the condition from worsening. Listed below are a few of them.

Wearing Compression Stockings

Self-care measures start by wearing compression stockings. When worn all day, compression stockings squeeze the legs and help the veins and leg muscles to move blood. The amount of compression usually varies b type and brand. Fortunately, there are many types and brands of stockings to choose from. Patients can now choose the most comfortable ones. Before buying compression stockings, keep in mind that they should fit properly. Determining the right fit is easy. Using a tape measure, you or a companion can measure your legs to get the right size and fit.

Regular Exercise

Of course, there are also traditional common-sense approaches to preventing varicose veins. One is regular exercise. Exercise, such as walking, promotes proper blood circulation. Thus, walking regularly improves blood flow and prevents overtaxing of the veins.

Proper Diet

Because excessive weight puts unnecessary pressure on the veins, losing weight may also help prevent varicose veins. A low-salt, high fiber diet prevents swelling of the veins resulting from water retention and constipation.

Low-heeled Shoes

You may also consider switching your high heels for low-heeled shoes. Low-heeled shoes work calf muscles, which in turn is good for the veins because blood circulation is improved. Tight clothing and undergarments are not advisable because they impede blood circulation.

Elevate Your Legs

Elevating your legs daily above the level of the heart improves venous circulation. Do this by lying down with your legs resting on three or four pillows.

Proper Postures for Good Circulation

Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. Change positions frequently to encourage good circulation. Change your position at least every 30 minutes. When sitting down, avoid crossing your legs. The position only worsens circulation problems.

Pretty much of the measures to prevent varicose veins are easy to perform and are common activities done daily. Practicing these good habits not only help prevent varicose veins, they contribute to your general well being as well. So put on your low-heeled shoes and start walking.