Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hangnails are more common with people with dry skin and with people who have their hands in water for a long period of time. In addition, people who bite their nails consistently are at a higher risk of developing this irritable problem of hangnails.

Hangnails are more common with people with dry skin and with people who have their hands in water for a long period of time. In addition, people who bite their nails consistently are at a higher risk of developing this irritable problem of hangnails.

To remove a hangnail, you simply use nail scissors to cut off the dry tag of skin. Many people recommend soaking the afflicted finger in warm water for about five minutes prior to removal. Cutting a dry hangnail can often result in tearing of the skin, which will lead to more hangnails and more discomfort. Because theres a slight chance of infecting the skin when removing a hangnail, you should dip the scissors in alcohol prior to using them. This will help reduce the chances of getting an infection.

Shortly after washing the dishes or taking a bath, your cuticles will be soft. This is the best time to groom them. Some nail files have a wedge shape on the end for this purpose, or you can use what is known as an orangewood stick.

Gently push the cuticles back (towards the knuckle) by pushing the orangewood stick down at the base of the nail. That's it. If you don't push the cuticles back, the skin stretches as the nail grows, and breaks, creating hangnails.

If you are suffering from hangnails, clip them early in their life cycle. For this, you can utilize sharp sterilized scissors. Remember to soak the fingers in water or a water and oil solution to soften the hangnail. Dont clip a hangnail when its still hard, as it will rip the skin even more.

Never bite your hangnails, as it will lead to fairly deep cuts around your fingers. These cuts can become troublesome by getting infected and swollen.

If your hangnails have become red in color and filled with pus or infection, make sure you see a doctor for treatment.

Use nail scissors to cut the dry skin which can cause hangnails. Cutting of hangnails can lead to tearing of the skin that can also cause more hangnails and infections. So be careful when you cutting them. Be sure scissors is first dipped in anti-septic or alcohol to avoid infection.

Soaking hand in water or oil for 5 minutes can be easy method which is not at all painful. When you will follow this method the hangnail will get soft and will be easily removed.

If you have hangnails on regular basis then doctors advice to soak your nails in an oil or water on daily basis for 15 minutes. Also apply lotion on finger tips and nails on regular basis twice a day.

Clip and cover. "The best thing to do with a hangnail is clip the little piece of skin with a pair of nail scissors--but be sure to wipe the scissors with rubbing alcohol before using them," advises Karen E. Burke, M.D., Ph.D., a dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon in New York City. "Then put on an antibacterial ointment to prevent infection, and cover your finger with a bandage."

Go for soaks. Soaking your nails in a mixture of oil and water on a regular basis is a good way to make sure you don't get future hangnails. Regular water-and-oil soaks replenish lost moisture. "I tell my patients to mix four capfuls of bath oil such as Alpha Keri with one pint of warm water and to soak their fingertips in it for maybe 10 or 15 minutes," says Rodney Basler, M.D., a dermatologist and assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

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